I’m a huge fan of personalization as many marketers are. But sometimes content that is accurate and data-driven doesn’t always have the emotional impact that carefully crafted language written by humans can include. But what if there was a generative AI tool that could do both: capture the emotion and engagement while also being tailored to the individual?
Welcome to One Amazing About Persado. Today we’re talking with Lisa Spira, Vice President, Content Intelligence at Persado and she will be sharing one amazing thing about Persado’s Motivation AI with us today.
Watch the Episode
From the creators and host of the award-winning The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, comes One Amazing Thing With Greg Kihlström, a show that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest MarTech products and platforms by showcasing one feature that makes them… amazing.
About Lisa Spira
Lisa Spira is a linguist who has focused her career on leading the design of language-based digital products. Her professional passions live at the point where language, technology, and humans intersect. As VP of Content Intelligence at Persado, Lisa leads the team responsible for language innovation and insights within the platform. Her recent work has focused on fine-tuning and prompting large language models, and evaluating their abilities to create impactful marketing content.
Persado: https://www.persado.com
The One Amazing Thing with Greg Kihlström website: https://agilebrandguide.com/the-agile-brand-podcasts/one-amazing-thing-about-with-greg-kihlstrom/
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From the creators and host of the award-winning The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, comes One Amazing Thing About… with Greg Kihlström, a show that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest MarTech products and platforms by showcasing one feature that makes them… amazing.