Bonnie Habyan at TEDx: Who Has Impact Your Life and Have You Told Them Yet?

The Innovation Economy is about new ideas. So it makes sense that The Innovation Economy podcast co-host Bonnie Habyan recently did a TEDx talk. It recently went live and she hopes the idea spreads because she says it is one close to her heart. 

The title is, Who Has Impacted Your Life and Have You Told Them Yet?” The talk is a universal one, asking viewers to confirm that short list of special people who’ve helped to make them who they are and to consider giving them a simple but powerful gift – the acknowledgment that they made a huge difference in their life and that the lessons they taught them really matter. 

Bonnie’s impactful person was her mom and in her talk, she shares ten touching and funny lessons to help share the perspective that none of us are self-made and as a result, we should let those know closest to us how much we love them and that they made a difference in their lives.

Congratulations to Bonnie and make sure to check out the podcast, and of course, the TEDx talk here.

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Bonnie Habyan speaking at TEDx