This article was written by Greg Kihlström for CMSWire. Read the full article here.
It’s likely already too late to pause adoption, but you can still establish an enterprise-wide stance on adoption and best practices for AI in business.
With all the hype around AI in business these days, it may feel like there is no time to step back and consider some of the deeper implications of its adoption. After all, who wants to be the last to get on the bandwagon, particularly when AI, unlike some other recent much-hyped areas (I’m looking at you, metaverse and NFTs) adopting artificial intelligence-based tools and platforms can offer some immediate benefits to organizations.
That said, I want to make the argument that your organization needs an “AI philosophy,” and quickly. It is likely already too late to pause adoption by your teams, but you can still establish an enterprise-wide stance on the adoption of AI in business and best practices. This will enable you to operationalize AI more easily, and to more clearly articulate your AI vision to your employees, partners and your customers.
Choosing how you organization will face the adoption and implementation of AI in business is key to getting the most out of it.
To help you create an AI philosophy, I’m going to walk through a few scenarios, and then we’ll end with a recommendation. So to start, let’s talk through three overall approaches and the pros and cons of each.
This article was written by Greg Kihlström for CMSWire. Read the full article here.
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