Strategic Roadmap

CMSWire: Helming True Customer-Centric Journey Orchestration


This article was co-written by Greg Kihlström and Matthew Egol of JourneySpark Consulting. Read the full article here.

How to ensure your customer journey orchestration is built on the premise of customer-centricity.

The Gist

Customer-centricity. Ensure journey orchestration prioritizes customer needs over brand expectations.

Business goals. Establish balanced attention to both customer and business objectives in your strategy.

Win-win scenario. Create outcomes that benefit both customers and the business, fostering loyalty and growth.

Customer journey orchestration promises improvements to the customer experience by offering brands the ability to tailor the steps, reactions and automations that occur as a consumer makes their way through the buying process and beyond, across all the physical and digital experiences that a brand provides.

However, it can often be approached from the perspective of what the brand wants the customer to do, and not the other way around. While this creates efficiencies for marketers and CX professionals, it doesn’t live up to the full potential of a customer-centric journey that gives the customer what they want, when, how and where they want it.

In this article, we’re going to talk about how to ensure your customer journey orchestration is built on the premise of customer-centricity.

This article was co-written by Greg Kihlström and Matthew Egol of JourneySpark Consulting. Read the full article here.


The Agile Brand Blog – Greg Kihlström Customer Experience & Digital Transformation  

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