
Forbes: How To Strategically Approach Your Marketing Technology Stack Evaluation

The following was written by Greg Kihlström for Forbes Agency Council. Read the article in full here.

Your marketing technology stack is a critical part of your infrastructure. It enables you to acquire and retain customers while providing your teams with the tools they need to be successful in creating, managing and measuring content, campaigns and customer journeys. So how do you strategically evaluate your martech stack in a way that takes all of the competing priorities into account?

As a consultant and advisor to enterprise organizations for which martech infrastructure is critical to the growth and retention of customers, I’ve seen this done in many different ways. In this article, I’m going to talk about three important areas to consider when it is time to do a martech stack evaluation. Let’s get started.

Step 1: Audit Your Infrastructure And Processes

First, make sure you understand where your martech stack currently stands. After all, how can you truly know where your current opportunities and challenges lie until you take a deep look at your current platforms and the work they support? Additionally, it pays to look at the processes that your teams use to create, manage and optimize their work.

This article was written by Greg Kihlström for Forbes Agency Council. Read the article in full here.

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​The Agile Brand Blog – Greg Kihlström Customer Experience & Digital Transformation

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