Forbes: It’s Time to Think About Experience Operations

This article was written by Greg Kihlström for Forbes Agency Council. You can read the original here.
If your organization is like most these days, there is at least some appreciation for the impact that a great customer experience (CX) can have on both short- and long-term results.
Maintaining a consistently great CX while continuously improving it to stay ahead of the competition, however, can be quite challenging. Much like DevOps helps software engineering teams maintain a continuous stream of high-quality software updates or how marketing operations supports the delivery of a constant stream of marketing campaigns and deliverables, I would like to propose that you consider implementing experience operations. Like those other two examples, experience operations supports continuous delivery of its output—in this case, consistently great customer experience.
In this article, I’m going to talk about the ways that an experience operations approach can help your organization improve the experience your customers have, as well as the experience that your employees have while delivering it.
This article was written by Greg Kihlström for Forbes Agency Council. You can read the original here.
The Agile Brand Blog – Greg Kihlström Customer Experience & Digital Transformation