This article was originally written by Greg Kihlström for Martechvibe. You can view the original article here.
Personalisation has become an increasingly important part of modern marketing strategies, especially when it comes to engaging customers online, where competition for attention can be fierce.
By taking this approach, marketers can more effectively target their messages and create more meaningful customer experiences that drive purchasing decisions while strengthening loyalty over time—which are both vital goals in today’s highly competitive landscape.
Achieving successful personalisation efforts can be a daunting task, however, if the right people, processes, and platforms aren’t in place from the start. To maximise return on investment (ROI), organisations must measure not only direct sales but also long-term customer value throughout the journey using methods such as lifetime value calculations or multi-touch attribution tracking (e.g., first-touch or last-touch attribution).
When it comes to launching a personalised marketing campaign that stands out among competitors while delivering tangible results, there are several essential strategies all businesses should consider before getting started. Let’s explore.
This article was originally written by Greg Kihlström for Martechvibe. You can view the original article here.
The Agile Brand Blog – Greg Kihlström Customer Experience & Digital Transformation