#25: One Amazing Thing About Pega with Matt Healy

It’s nice to think that AI can just magically solve our organizational and operational challenges—and in many cases it can—but being successful takes planning and thinking through the details. So what if there was a generative AI tool that helped with that part of things – thinking through the workflows, the dependencies, the internal and external experiences and more? Welcome to One Amazing About Pega.

Today we’re talking with Matt Healy, Sr. Director, Product Strategy & Marketing, Pega and he will be sharing one amazing thing about Pega’s GenAI Blueprint with us today.

Watch the Episode

From the creators and host of the award-winning The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, comes One Amazing Thing With Greg Kihlström, a show that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest MarTech products and platforms by showcasing one feature that makes them… amazing.

About Matt Healy

Matt Healy, senior director of product marketing for intelligent automation at Pega, leads product
strategy and marketing for Pega Platform. He helps drive roadmap and go-to-market strategy around AI, automation, and low code, all with an eye toward increasing business agility, operational efficiency, and developer effectiveness.


Try Pega GenAI Blueprint for yourself: https://www.pega.com/blueprint

Pega website: https://www.pega.com

The One Amazing Thing with Greg Kihlström website: https://agilebrandguide.com/the-agile-brand-podcasts/one-amazing-thing-about-with-greg-kihlstrom/

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From the creators and host of the award-winning The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, comes One Amazing Thing About… with Greg Kihlström, a show that puts the spotlight on the latest and greatest MarTech products and platforms by showcasing one feature that makes them… amazing.

One Amazing Thing About Pega with Matt Healy