S1 | 30: The Growing Pursuit of the TEDx Talk to Supercharge a Personal and Professional Brand

Today, we’re talking about the increasing allure of the TEDx speaking circuit for professionals, entrepreneurs, and those who feel passionate about having an idea worth spreading. Despite its highly competitive environment, many aspire to present on the TEDx stage, hoping to share their stories from the iconic red dot.

About Geoffery Berwind

Geoffrey Berwind is one of the foremost experts on how to use the power of story to make beneficial connections with your clients, team, and audiences.  If you want to have more impact and influence in all parts of your life – especially when making a presentation, you’re in the right place!

Geoffrey’s interest in story telling began in 1999 when he founded and ran an innovative theater in suburban Philadelphia.  Five years later, this led to an invitation to join the leadership team tasked with creating the award-winning Once Upon a Nation storytelling project in downtown Philadelphia.  Geoffrey was their first Artistic and Storytelling Director responsible for training numerous front-line staff about how to tell American history in new and engaging ways – through storytelling!

During his seven years with Historic Philadelphia, Geoffrey witnessed the enthusiastic reaction by thousands of tourists who raved about his positive approach.  What he learned in the trenches honed Geoffrey’s techniques and principles about what makes a real-life story work best.  To quote Geoffrey, “if you can use storytelling to make a dull topic like history exciting, then almost any topic can be more engaging through effective story use!”

Geoffrey has coached thousands of authors, business owners and speakers and also provides workshops, speeches and training nationwide.  His various clients have included the National Park Service, Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex, Audubon Society, Vanguard Charitable, Bradley Communications and many others.

Geoffrey has also coached numerous speakers to prepare them for their TEDx talks.  On December 21, 2017 (the winter solstice), Geoffrey produced and hosted a new kind of TEDx event called TEDxFireside. This event was themed about how the power of story brings us back to the primal campfire, connects us to each other and illuminates the world – especially in dark times. (TEDxFireside partnered with the fine folks at TEDxWilmington – click here to see more)

About Tom Puketza

He credits his background in theater with giving him a unique education in taking initiative and overcoming challenges. He has independently produced several full-scale productions, all of which required a surprisingly diverse skill set. These include the willingness to work hard, to set and meet deadlines, to prioritize, organize, improvise creative solutions, and persevere in the face of constant challenges. The collaborative nature of theater production has also given him a comprehensive understanding of teamwork, communication, and the coordination it takes to integrate many different parts into a successful whole. He has taken these skills with him into many different work environments, and they have always served him, and his clients, very well.


Geoffery Berwind, Founder, Storytelling Success

Tom Puketza, Executive Director, Finale Events USA
