an artist s illustration of artificial intelligence ai this image visualises the input and output of neural networks and how ai systems perceive data it was created by rose pilkington

The power of listening to user clickstream data in e-commerce

This article was based on the interview with Eli Finkelshteyn of Constructor by Greg Kihlström, MarTech keynote speaker for The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast. Listen to the original episode here:

Listening to user clickstream data to understand customer behavior and preferences can yield greater benefits than traditional methods. By analyzing what users are clicking on, adding to cart, purchasing, and abandoning within the e-commerce buyer’s journey, businesses can gain valuable insights into what products are attractive to their customers. This data allows companies to tailor their search results to show relevant products that are more likely to interest and satisfy their customers.

The traditional concept of relevance in product search is no longer sufficient in today’s competitive e-commerce environment. Simply showing products that match a user’s search query is necessary but not enough. Companies must go beyond basic relevance and consider factors such as user preferences, buying patterns, and individual characteristics to truly meet customer expectations.

To enable this level of personalization and relevance in product search, brands should focus on data quality, platform capabilities, and strategic considerations. By investing in data verification processes, ensuring data accuracy and consistency, and leveraging advanced analytics tools, businesses can better understand their customers and deliver a more tailored shopping experience.

The podcast highlights the importance of listening to user clickstream data for improving product search relevance and customer satisfaction in e-commerce. By prioritizing data quality, analyzing user behavior, and implementing strategic initiatives, brands can enhance their search capabilities, drive better outcomes, and ultimately succeed in the competitive online marketplace.