Thinking like an intrapreneur

This article was based on the interview with Josh Secrest from Paradox by Adam Chen for The Innovation Economy podcast. Listen to the original episode here:

Intrapreneurs are invaluable in companies and thus it is important that there are individuals thinking like an entrepreneur within an organization. Individuals should approach their roles as if they were running their own small business within a larger organization. This mindset allows individuals to take ownership of their work and make decisions that align with the overall goals and success of the organization.

Secrest uses the analogy of a profit and loss (P&L) statement to illustrate the point. By thinking about every dollar spent as if it were their own, individuals can ensure that their investments and decisions are in the best interest of the organization. This mindset encourages individuals to consider the needs and wants of customers, as well as the big picture goals of the organization.

Thinking like an intrapreneur goes beyond just focusing on one’s immediate impact or role. It requires individuals to think about how their work and decisions impact the business as a whole. This broader perspective allows individuals to identify opportunities for growth and innovation, and ultimately contribute to the overall success of the organization.

Secrest’s own entrepreneurial journey serves as an example of the power of thinking like an entrepreneur. As a leader at Paradox, he has been instrumental in driving innovation within the HR software industry. By recognizing the potential of conversational AI and chatbot technology, Sechrist and his team have positioned Paradox as a leader in the industry. This success is a result of their entrepreneurial mindset and willingness to challenge the status quo.

By approaching their roles as if they were running their own business, individuals can make decisions that align with the overall goals and success of the organization. This mindset encourages individuals to think beyond their immediate impact and consider the broader needs of the business. Intrapreneurs like Josh Sechrist and companies like Paradox demonstrate the power of embracing change and driving innovation from within. By fostering a culture of intrapreneurship, organizations can tap into the potential of their employees and drive success in the innovation economy.

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