Mobile makeover for personalized shopping experiences

One concept that is gaining traction in the retail industry is the idea of a mobile makeover for personalized shopping. This concept revolves around bridging the gap between the physical and digital realms of retail, and leveraging mobile devices to enhance the customer experience.

Understanding Customer Journey Orchestration (CJO) and Real-time Interaction Management (RTIM)

Marketing teams are consumed with the task of finding effective ways to
reach and engage customers effectively. To achieve this, marketers have to understand customer journeys in all their complexity. The concepts of Customer Journey Orchestration (CJO) and Real-time Interaction Management
(RTIM) are two concepts that have emerged as key strategies to meeting this challenge.

CEOWorld: Investing in Employees for Improved Customer Experience

This article was originally published on CEOWorld Magazine. The customer
experience (CX) is the grand sum of all interactions between a company and
its customers. It’s the lasting impression that a business leaves on its
patrons, and it’s one of the most important elements when it comes to
creating long-term relationships with customers.

Fast Company: Embracing the customer lifetime value model


This article was written by Greg Kihlström and originally published on Fast Company. Read the full article here.

CLV is extremely important for those organizations that are embracing the modern view of a service-based model and the future of customer experience.

As long as there are shareholders and other stakeholders that define a company’s success in terms of profitability, there will always be pressure to deliver on short-term goals and quotas. I’ve found the brands that stand the test of time, however, are able to balance this need for short-term success with a longer-term view of growth and the value that a loyal customer provides. 

This is often referred to as a customer lifetime value model, where the total benefit that a customer’s interactions, purchases, recommendations, and other activities over their entire relationship with a brand is accounted for. In my advisory and consulting work, I’ve had the chance to work with many brands in order to help them define and implement this important method of measurement.

Here are three key components that brands should put in place in order to successfully adopt a customer lifetime value model. 

This article was written by Greg Kihlström and originally published on Fast Company. Read the full article here.


The Agile Brand Blog – Greg Kihlström Customer Experience & Digital Transformation  

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