Left-brain right-brain AI explained

This article was based on the interview with Peter van der Putten from Pega by Greg Kihlström, MarTech keynote speaker for The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast. Listen to the original episode here:

AI, or artificial intelligence, has become a buzzword as fast-growing applications such as ChatGPT have amassed massive user numbers within the last year. With advancements in technology and the increasing presence of AI in various industries, it is easy to get lost in the hype and confusion surrounding this field. However, understanding the different types of AI can help businesses navigate this landscape more effectively.

In the interview with Peter van der Putten from Pega, the concept of left-brain and right-brain AI is introduced as a metaphor to explain the different types of AI technologies. The left brain is associated with rational decision-making, while the right brain is linked to creativity. This metaphor helps to categorize and understand the various applications of AI.

Left-brain AI technologies include machine learning and predictive analytics. These technologies are used to make rational decisions, such as determining the best course of action or assessing eligibility for a loan. Left-brain AI focuses on processing information, making predictions, and optimizing outcomes based on data analysis.

On the other hand, right-brain AI, also known as generative AI, is more concerned with creativity and innovation. It can generate text, images, and even ideas for new applications or plans. Right-brain AI taps into the creative aspect of our brain and allows businesses to come up with new and unique solutions.

While left-brain AI and right-brain AI have their own strengths, the ultimate combination of both types of AI can be highly beneficial. By combining rational decision-making with creative thinking, businesses can leverage the full potential of AI technologies.

Understanding the different types of AI is crucial for businesses for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to dispel the notion that all AI is generative AI. Many businesses have been using left-brain AI technologies for years without even realizing it. By recognizing the different types of AI, businesses can better appreciate the range of AI applications available to them.

Secondly, the metaphor of left brain and right brain AI allows businesses to think more strategically about AI implementation. It encourages them to consider which type of AI technology is most suitable for their specific needs. For example, a marketing team may benefit from using generative AI to create personalized content, while a financial institution may rely on left-brain AI for risk assessment and decision-making.

Lastly, understanding the different types of AI promotes responsible and ethical AI practices. It reminds businesses that AI is not just a monolithic entity but a combination of various technologies. This awareness can help businesses avoid potential pitfalls and ensure that AI is used in an ethical and responsible manner.

The conversation highlights the importance of understanding the different types of AI. Left-brain AI and right-brain AI represent different strengths and applications of AI technologies. By recognizing and leveraging these differences, businesses can harness the power of AI to drive innovation, enhance customer experiences, and contribute to a sustainable and equitable future.

The Agile Brand Guide to Generative AI by Greg Kihlström