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The importance of investing in AI education for your teams

This article was based on the interview with Mariam Asmar of Braze by Greg Kihlström, MarTech keynote speaker for The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast. Listen to the original episode here:

The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing and customer experience (CX) cannot be understated. As discussed in a recent podcast, AI has the potential to revolutionize how companies engage with customers, optimize operations, and drive growth. However, to fully harness the power of AI, organizations must invest in AI education for their employees.

One of the key points raised in the podcast is the importance of cross-functional team collaboration in AI adoption. By bringing together teams from different departments, such as marketing, creative, and product, organizations can leverage the diverse perspectives and expertise to implement AI solutions effectively. This collaboration not only fosters innovation but also ensures that AI initiatives align with the overall business goals.

Furthermore, the podcast highlights the need for organizations to have a solid data foundation to support AI implementation. Data is the fuel that powers AI algorithms, and companies must ensure that their data is clean, organized, and accessible in real-time. This requires a concerted effort from cross-functional teams to integrate data from various sources and activate it for AI-driven decision-making.

Moreover, the podcast emphasizes the role of leadership in driving AI adoption within organizations. Leaders must not only invest in AI training for their employees but also create a culture that encourages experimentation and learning. Hackathons, as mentioned in the podcast, are a great way to engage employees from different departments in AI projects and foster a culture of collaboration and innovation.

Looking ahead, the podcast raises the question of the employer’s responsibility in educating employees about AI tools and technologies. Just as knowledge of Microsoft Word or the internet is now a basic requirement for many jobs, familiarity with AI tools may become essential in the near future. Therefore, organizations must prioritize AI education for their employees to ensure they are equipped with the skills needed to succeed in an AI-driven world.

Investments in training and upskilling are more timely than ever

Investing in training and upskilling is essential for organizations to stay competitive and innovative in today’s digital age. As discussed in the podcast transcript, there is a clear role for employers to provide training and resources for their employees to learn about AI and other emerging technologies. It is not enough to expect employees to figure it out on their own, as this approach is not sustainable in the long term.

The podcast highlights the importance of creating space for employees to learn and work on projects related to AI. This can involve providing formal training programs, resources, and opportunities for hands-on experience. By investing in training and upskilling, employers can empower their workforce to adapt to new technologies and stay ahead of the curve.

Furthermore, the podcast emphasizes the need for a blend of employer support and individual initiative when it comes to learning about AI. While employees should take responsibility for their own learning and development, employers must also play a proactive role in providing the necessary tools and opportunities for growth. This collaborative approach ensures that both parties are invested in the success of the organization and the individual.

In terms of measuring success, the podcast suggests looking at both short-term and long-term metrics. Short-term wins can demonstrate efficiency and problem-solving capabilities, while long-term investments in AI education can lead to effectiveness and savings in the future. By keeping an eye on both short-term wins and long-term value creation, organizations can track their progress and communicate the impact of their efforts to stakeholders.

Setting realistic expectations for AI adoption and upskilling is crucial for leaders and organizations. While experimentation is essential for innovation, it is also important to acknowledge that not every experiment will yield immediate results. Leaders should communicate transparently with their stakeholders about the time and resources required for AI initiatives and manage expectations accordingly.

Investing in AI education is a strategic imperative for organizations seeking to thrive in the digital era. By prioritizing training, upskilling, and cross-functional collaboration, companies can harness the power of AI to drive growth and innovation. As the podcast suggests, the time to invest in AI education is now, as organizations that embrace AI today will be better positioned to succeed in the future.

House of the Customer by Greg Kihlström