#33: B2B E-Commerce Content Optimization with Ashlyn Fulton, D’Addario & Company

Is your B2B e-commerce content working as hard as it should be? In a rapidly evolving digital landscape, strong content creation and management could be the key to unlocking both customer engagement and business growth.

This was recorded live at Opticon 2024 in San Antonio, TX. Today we’re diving into the role of strong content creation and optimization in e-commerce with Ashlyn Fulton, Senior Digital Content Manager at D’Addario & Company, which has both B2B and D2C customers and operates in over 130 countries and has over 5,000 SKUs available online.

We’ll discuss the unique challenges of content for both D2C and B2B e-commerce, the impact of generative AI, and how platforms like Optimizely are shaping the future of e-commerce content management.


D’Addario website: https://www.daddario.com

Optimizely website: https://www.optimizely.com

The B2B Agility podcast website: https://www.b2bagility.com

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B2B Agility with Greg Kihlström