Optimize for customer relationships, not clicks

One key aspect of optimizing customer lifetime value (CLV) is to focus on building relationships with customers rather than solely focusing on getting clicks or immediate transactions. This approach recognizes the long-term value that customers can bring to a business and emphasizes the importance of nurturing and maintaining these relationships over time.

Getting up to speed on composable e-commerce

Headless and composable e-commerce is transforming the way brands build and manage their digital presence. This approach involves decoupling the front end of a website or application from the backend, allowing brands to select the best tools and services for each aspect of their business.

Customer journey success: data availability

 When it comes to customer journey orchestration, having access to a wealth of data can be incredibly valuable. This data can help you gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and pain points, allowing you to create more personalized and effective experiences.

S1 | 5: The importance of customer stories with Evan Huck, UserEvidence

New customers want to hear success stories from previous customers – and nowhere is this more prevalent than in a B2B environment. When it comes to creating customer stories, Go-to-Market or GTM teams struggle to find a solution that is both cost-and time-effective leaving these teams with a shortage of customer examples to use. The need for customer proof to be readily available in ample quantities has become apparent as more decisions are based on this key factor early on in the buyer journey.

Today we’re going to talk about the importance of customer stories and how B2B marketers and sales teams can more easily and readily get great customer examples they can share.

To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Evan Huck, CEO and Co-Founder at UserEvidence.