A Guide to Marketing Technology and CX

From the creators of The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, and the internationally best-selling The Agile Brand™ Guides series of books on marketing technology topics, we're here give marketers and CX professionals information and insights to make better decisions.

The Agile Brand™ Guide
The international best-selling book series in print, digital, and audio.

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Marketing technology, CX, and Digital Transformation

38: #38 Agile Brand Value 3

I go through the Agile Brand Manifesto and talk about valuing staying true to company values over doing what you can to generate profits.
Oct 15, 20191 min read

37: #37 Agile Brand Value 2

I go through the Agile Brand Manifesto and talk about valuing dialogue with customers over broadcasting one-way marketing messages.
Oct 8, 20191 min read

36: #36 Agile Brand Value 1

I go through the Agile Brand Manifesto and talk about valuing long-term customers over short-term sales.
Oct 1, 20191 min read

35: #35 Brands and Agile Marketing

Last part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Data is readily available and plentiful, which empowers businesses to make quicker decisions that are informed by real-time information.
Sep 24, 20191 min read

34: #34 Special Episode: From Monolith to Microservice

This special episode is generously brought to you by TEKSystems. Competitive advantage is the name of the game. In a marketplace where disruption is constant, enterprises are eager to use technology that transforms, modernizes and differentiates...
Sep 18, 20191 min read

33: #33 Brands and the Modern Customer Experience

Fifth part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Customers are device-agnostic, always-connected, and want personalized relationships with brands. Successful brands understand that customers want what they...
Sep 17, 20191 min read

32: #32 Brands and Exponential Technologies

Fourth part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Exponential technologies using AI and Machine Learning allow us to truly personalize and customize experiences. Agile brands know and adopt this.
Sep 10, 20191 min read

#31 Brands and Market Disruption

Third part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Continual market disruption has created a need for a more agile approach to branding, marketing, and the operations of an organization.
Sep 3, 20191 min read
House of the Customer by Greg Kihlstrm

The Agile Brand Guide Book Series

The internationally best-selling series available in print, digital and audio.

In 3 hours or less, get up to speed on the trends, issues, and trends that affect your work. Marketing technology, CX, and strategy books for busy professionals.

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