A Guide to Marketing Technology and CX

From the creators of The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, and the internationally best-selling The Agile Brand™ Guides series of books on marketing technology topics, we're here give marketers and CX professionals information and insights to make better decisions.

The Agile Brand™ Guide
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Marketing technology, CX, and Digital Transformation

13: #13 Cars and Branding

I discuss how I first fell in love with the concept of branding, at a rather young age, and through my appreciation for cars. Auto branding taught me hierarchy, positioning, and many more things.
Apr 30, 20191 min read

12: #12 Branding and Relevance

In order for a brand to be strong, it must remain relevant or find a way to be culturally relevant in the moment.
Apr 23, 20191 min read

10: #10 Branding and Focus

“Our audience is everyone.” If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that sentence after asking a marketer or executive, I’d be a very rich man. Instead, in order for a brand to be successful, it must focus its efforts on defining its ideal...
Apr 16, 20191 min read

9: #9 Branding and Substance

For a brand to be strong and have lasting success, it must have substance. We can describe substance in two ways: 1) an ideology which is clearly articulated in the way an organization conducts business and communicates with its audiences, and 2) a...
Apr 9, 20191 min read

8: #8 Attracting the Right Customers with Your Brand

When branding is done well, it differentiates your organization in a way that targets the right audiences and drives the right customers to your brand.
Apr 2, 20191 min read

7: #7 Branding and Expectation-Setting for Customers

A good brand allows potential customers, employees, and other audiences to understand what they should expect before they make a purchase. When done well, this combination of messaging and visuals helps create a better customer experience by setting...
Mar 26, 20191 min read

6: #6 Brands and Value Creation for the Organization

Successful brands can create their own intrinsic value to an organization. In this episode, we discuss how the value created by a brand creates many internal and external opportunities beyond marketing benefits.
Mar 19, 20191 min read
House of the Customer by Greg Kihlstrm

The Agile Brand Guide Book Series

The internationally best-selling series available in print, digital and audio.

In 3 hours or less, get up to speed on the trends, issues, and trends that affect your work. Marketing technology, CX, and strategy books for busy professionals.

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