A Guide to Marketing Technology and CX

From the creators of The Agile Brand™ with Greg Kihlström podcast, and the internationally best-selling The Agile Brand™ Guides series of books on marketing technology topics, we're here give marketers and CX professionals information and insights to make better decisions.

The Agile Brand™ Guide
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Marketing technology, CX, and Digital Transformation

5: #5 Branding for Differentiation and Competitive Advantage

While it may seem obvious, setting your brand apart from the competition is often easier said than done. Successful brands think beyond purely aesthetic or surface differentiation and find ways to meaningfully occupy an idea in their consumer's minds.
Mar 12, 20191 min read

#4 Your Brand is Continually Evolving

Gone are the days of "set it and forget it" with your brand. Instead, you need to embrace a continually evolving landscape where your customers, employees and competitors are continually in motion.
Mar 5, 20191 min read

3: #3 Your Brand is a Relationship

Successful brands understand that customers have unlimited choices, and a two-way relationship keeps you top of mind with consumers. This is not far-fetched or unrealistic when brands approach it by solving real challenges that their clients have, and...
Feb 26, 20191 min read

2: #2 Your Brand is more than a Logo

As Jeff Bezos famously said, "your brand is what people say about you when you're not in the room." While much effort is spent on logos, brand guidelines, and messaging structures, if your brand doesn't resonate with your audiences, they will write...
Feb 19, 20191 min read

1: #1 Your Brand is a Vocabulary

How do you create a vocabulary that people inside and outside your organization will want to adopt and use to talk about you? If you create it well, it will be something that employees are able to easily use, and something that is meaningful to your...
Feb 12, 20191 min read
House of the Customer by Greg Kihlstrm

The Agile Brand Guide Book Series

The internationally best-selling series available in print, digital and audio.

In 3 hours or less, get up to speed on the trends, issues, and trends that affect your work. Marketing technology, CX, and strategy books for busy professionals.

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