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Algolia, one of the leading enterprise search and discovery platforms, recently published its Ecommerce Site Search Trends 2023 report, which highlights several opportunities and challenges for ecommerce businesses. Today we’re going to talk about…
In this interview with Kihlström, CRM editor Leonard Klie uncovers how building a customer- and employee-focused company is like constructing a house.
Today we’re going to talk about the business value of creating a great employee experience. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Annette Franz, Founder & CEO of CX Journey, and best-selling author. RESOURCES The Agile Brand podcast…
Today we’re going to talk about the value of showing vs. telling in order to improve the customer experience. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Ken Babcock, Founder & CEO of Tango, a platform that allows users to create…
This article was originally published on CEOWorld Magazine. The customer
experience (CX) is the grand sum of all interactions between a company and
its customers. It’s the lasting impression that a business leaves on its
patrons, and it’s one of the most important elements when it comes to
creating long-term relationships with customers.
Anyone that listens to this show knows that category leaders are using data driven customer engagement to create better customer experiences, more loyal customers, and a competitive advantage for the years ahead. Twilio recently published its annual…
As a marketer, understanding the intricacies of your marketing technology
infrastructure is essential to making sure it’s running smoothly and
achieving your desired outcomes. Having a strategic roadmap in place will
help you ensure that all elements are connected and working together
effectively, allowing for greater efficiency, increased ROI from campaigns,
and reduced risk when deploying new initiatives. In this article, read
about how creating a transparent roadmap for your marketing tech stack can
benefit your organization and what steps you should take to build one.
By Matthew Egol and Greg Kihlstrom . In this final part of the series,
we’re going to look at how to best integrate AI and CX in a meaningful way.
Today we’re going to talk about empowering great CX in organizations, and what it takes from leaders and employees to do so. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Mark Slatin, Customer Experience Advisor and Consultant with…
Every business needs a website that performs for their business, but beyond a good Content Management System and regular content updates, it takes a lot to maximize your return on investments in this critical marketing platform. In a special episode…