A Guide to Marketing Technology and CX

From the creators of The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström® podcast, and the internationally best-selling The Agile Brand Guide® series of books on marketing technology topics, we're here to give marketers and CX professionals information and insights to make better decisions.

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Marketing technology, CX, and Digital Transformation

Marketing technology is not just for marketers

Do you know what your organization’s marketing technology infrastructure looks like? If not, you may want to do some research and take a closer look.
May 21, 20236 min read

CMSWire: How the Different Types of Conversational Marketing Tools Work Together

This article was originally written by Greg Kihlström for CMSWire. Read the article in its entirety here. While it would be nice if we could provide every customer with their own personal concierge during the buying and post-purchase journey, for all but a handful of brands that simply isn’t possible.
May 8, 20232 min read

Indian Management: A win-win situation

This article was written by Greg Kihlström for Indian Management. You can view the article in full here. By focusing on both the needs of your customers, as well as those of your employees, you can ensure that everyone’s best interests are taken into consideration when making decisions or driving forward key initiatives within your organisation.
May 8, 20234 min read

How agile is your Agile Marketing?

If one of your marketing colleagues has said something similar to, “We tried Agile, and it didn’t work,” I have a simple response. If it didn’t work, you weren’t doing it right.
May 8, 20236 min read

Successfully achieving an agile martech strategy

As a marketer in today’s digital age, it can be difficult to keep up with the ever-evolving marketing technology (martech) landscape. New processes, tools and strategies evolve quickly, making it challenging for marketers to remain viable in this competitive space. However, tackling martech goals doesn't have to seem impossible!
May 4, 20235 min read

Forbes: How To Strategically Approach Your Marketing Technology Stack Evaluation

The following was written by Greg Kihlström for Forbes Agency Council. Y our marketing technology stack is a critical part of your infrastructure. It enables you to acquire and retain customers while providing your teams with the tools they need to be successful in creating, managing and measuring content, campaigns and customer journeys.
May 4, 20232 min read

It’s Time for Digital Customer Service

This article was based on a transcript of The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast. Today we’re going to talk about digital customer service, and how it’s now essential for companies in every industry to embrace it if they haven’t already started doing so. To help me discuss this topic, I’d like to welcome Ragy Thomas, Founder & CEO, Sprinklr, a provider of enterprise software for customer experience management.
May 4, 202314 min read

A strategic roadmap is key for your marketing technology infrastructure

As a marketer, understanding the intricacies of your marketing technology infrastructure is essential to making sure it's running smoothly and achieving your desired outcomes. Having a strategic roadmap in place will help you ensure that all elements are connected and working together effectively, allowing for greater efficiency, increased ROI from campaigns, and reduced risk when deploying new initiatives. In this article, read about how creating a transparent roadmap for your marketing tech stack can benefit your organization and what steps you should take to build one.
Apr 19, 20237 min read
House of the Customer by Greg Kihlstrm

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The internationally best-selling series available in print, digital and audio.

In 3 hours or less, get up to speed on the trends, issues, and trends that affect your work. Marketing technology, CX, and strategy books for busy professionals.

The Agile Brand Guide®: Generative AI is now available

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