My Courses

  • 34: #34 Special Episode: From Monolith to Microservice

    This special episode is generously brought to you by TEKSystems. Competitive advantage is the name of the game. In a marketplace where disruption is constant, enterprises are eager to use technology that transforms, modernizes and differentiates…

  • 33: #33 Brands and the Modern Customer Experience

    Fifth part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Customers are device-agnostic, always-connected, and want personalized relationships with brands. Successful brands understand that customers want what they…

  • 32: #32 Brands and Exponential Technologies

    Fourth part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Exponential technologies using AI and Machine Learning allow us to truly personalize and customize experiences. Agile brands know and adopt this.

  • #31 Brands and Market Disruption

    Third part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Continual market disruption has created a need for a more agile approach to branding, marketing, and the operations of an organization.

  • 30: #30 Brand as Experience

    Second part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Unlike the “Mad Men” days of advertising, it’s not enough to send one-way messages. Successful brands don’t talk at people, they engage with them. A…

  • 29: #29 Social Transformation and Brands

    First part of a multi-episode discussion of what changed to cause the need for agile brands. Social media, in its broadest sense, has transformed commerce, marketing, media relations, and our relationships with both brands and our colleagues, friends,…

  • 28: #28 Letting Go in Order to Have Deeper Customer Relationships

    Our last episode on the subject of what sets agile brands apart. Agile brands have a two-way relationship with their customers, particularly their best and most loyal ones. What does this mean? Brand development and marketing still belong to the…

  • 27: #27 Staying Nimble by Always Listening

    Continuing our discussion of what sets agile brands apart. “The customer is always right” is a cliché we’ve all heard countless times. It’s vital to listen to our customers so we can understand what they are saying, and why they believe they…

  • 26: #26 Using Data to Drive Deeper Insights

    Many companies got on the “big data” bandwagon early, driving it on a path of growth that IDC predicts will reach in excess of $200 billion by 2020. Many realized that with big data came a lot of tough decisions about which data to look at, and…

  • 25: #25 Telling Genuine Stories with Your Brand

    Continuing our discussion of what sets agile brands apart from others. Today, we’re talking about telling genuine stories. Any brand story must be authentic and stay true to your company values. It must also resonate with your customers’ values and…