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How AI improves customer and employee experiences

This article was based on the interview with Tara DeZao of Pega by Greg Kihlström for The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast.  Listen to the original episode here:

AI has revolutionized the way businesses interact with their customers, improving the overall customer experience and satisfaction. By utilizing advanced technologies such as self-learning capabilities and generative AI features, businesses can gather and analyze customer data to personalize interactions and provide real-time responses to customer needs.

One way AI improves customer experience is by automating processes and reducing friction in business operations. The goal of the autonomous enterprise is to utilize these AI features to make business less cumbersome and more efficient. This cascades down from the client experience to the employee experience, as employees are freed from mundane and repetitive tasks. This allows them to focus on more meaningful and strategic activities, ultimately enhancing their job satisfaction and productivity.

An example of how AI enhances the employee experience is the Next Best Action Advisor feature. This feature provides AI-backed recommendations to frontline employees who interact with customers, such as those in contact centers. By guiding employees based on customer data history, this feature makes the customer experience easier and more personalized. It also makes the employee’s job easier, as they no longer have to conduct extensive research or refer to scripts to provide the necessary information. The AI-assisted human interaction streamlines the process and improves efficiency for both the employee and the customer.

Furthermore, AI can help eliminate the frustration that customers often experience when dealing with repetitive tasks or having to provide the same information multiple times. By leveraging AI technologies, businesses can populate customer data history in real-time, allowing employees to have all the necessary information readily available. This eliminates the need for customers to repeatedly provide the same information, resulting in a smoother and more enjoyable customer experience.

However, it is important to consider the ethical implications of generative AI in marketing strategies. While AI offers tremendous potential, marketers need to carefully consider its usage and ensure that it is centered around the customer. Just because AI can be used in a certain way does not necessarily mean it should. Marketers must prioritize the ethical use of generative AI and consider the potential consequences and impacts on customers.

AI has significantly improved both customer and employee experiences by leveraging advanced technologies to gather and analyze customer data, personalize interactions, automate processes, and respond to customer needs in real-time. These capabilities enhance efficiency, personalization, and agility, ultimately improving the overall customer experience. However, it is crucial for businesses to navigate the ethical considerations associated with generative AI to ensure responsible and ethical use of these technologies. By doing so, businesses can harness the power of AI to create positive and impactful customer experiences while maintaining ethical standards.

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