The Agile Brand Guide: Customer Data Platforms 2024 Edition

Evaluating, Buying, and Implementing CDPs for Marketers

The #1 Amazon Best-Selling Guide to CDPs

By Greg Kihlström with a foreword by Heidi Bullock, CMO at Tealium | 103 Pages | Available in Print or as an Ebook


Paperbook or Digital | Audiobook

As the marketing world moves increasingly towards the need for greater first-party data solutions to power personalization and mitigate effects from third-party cookie deprecation, Customer Data Platforms (CDPs) are increasingly important. This, balanced with an increased need for data privacy and transparency over how customer data is used, make CDPs a critical part of a brand’s marketing technology infrastructure.

In this second edition of this best-selling installment in the series, Customer Data Platforms are explored and demystified, with over 50 additional pages of new content and insights, plus a guide to some of the leading platforms in the space. The Agile Brand Guide: Customer Data Platforms 2024 Edition by Greg Kihlström is now available in print as an ebook.

The book explores marketers’ need for a customer data platform, as well as the roles a CDP should play, the different types on the market, as well as how to evaluate and implement a platform once you have selected it. It features a foreword by Heidi Bullock, CMO at CDP provider Tealium. Additionally, thought leaders from some of the most prominent CDP providers lend their thoughts and expertise, including contributions from Lytics, ActionIQ, and Amperity.

Drawing on Kihlström’s experience working with top organizations, and his ongoing conversations with leaders in the marketing technology industry as part of his award-winning podcast, The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström, this guide to CDPs provides insights, ideas, and guidance for marketers of all experience levels as they work to successfully implement Customer Data Platforms in their organizations.


Paperbook or Digital | Audiobook

The Agile Brand Guide: Customer Data Platforms 2024 Edition by Greg Kihlstrom

About the author

Greg Kihlström, author, speaker, advisor and consultant on marketing technology and customer experience.
Greg Kihlström, author

Greg Kihlström

Greg Kihlström is a best-selling author, speaker, and entrepreneur, currently an advisor and consultant to top companies on marketing technology, customer experience, and digital transformation initiatives as Principal and Chief Strategist at GK5A. He is also the host of The Agile Brand with Greg Kihlström podcast.

Read more | Greg on LinkedIn

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