Change Management


Change management is the process of planning, implementing, and managing organizational change. Change management aims to help organizations achieve their desired outcomes, minimize the negative impacts of change, and maximize the benefits of change. Change management involves various activities, such as:

  • Assessing the need for change and defining the change objectives and scope
  • Developing a change strategy and a change plan
  • Communicating and engaging with stakeholders and employees
  • Providing training and support to enable the change
  • Monitoring and evaluating the change progress and performance
  • Reinforcing and sustaining the change

Several Example Approaches to Change Management

Some of the approaches to change management are:

  • Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model: This model proposes eight steps to guide organizational change, from creating a sense of urgency and forming a coalition, to communicating the vision and generating short-term wins, to consolidating gains and anchoring the change in the culture.
  • Lewin’s Change Model: This model suggests that change involves three stages: unfreezing the current state, moving to the desired state, and refreezing the new state.
  • Deming Cycle | PDCA: This model is a continuous improvement cycle that consists of four phases: plan, do, check, and act. It can be used to test and implement changes in a systematic way.
  • McKinsey 7S Model: This change management model is a framework that analyzes seven interrelated elements of an organization: strategy, structure, systems, skills, staff, style, and shared values. It can be used to assess the current state of an organization and identify areas that need to change.
  • ADKAR Model of Change: This model is a goal-oriented approach that focuses on the individual level of change. It defines five outcomes that are necessary for successful change: awareness, desire, knowledge, ability, and reinforcement.
  • Nudge Theory: This theory is based on the idea that people can be influenced by subtle cues or incentives that alter their behavior in a predictable way. It can be used to encourage people to adopt desired behaviors or choices without forcing or coercing them.
  • Satir Change Model: This model is a humanistic approach that describes how individuals and systems cope with change. It identifies five stages of change: late status quo, resistance, chaos, integration, and new status quo.
  • Bridges’ Transition Model: This change management model distinguishes between change and transition. Change is the external event or situation that occurs, while transition is the internal psychological process that people go through to adapt to the change. The model outlines three phases of transition: ending, losing, and letting go; the neutral zone; and the new beginning.

Kubler-Ross Change Curve
