Mixed Reality (MR)


Mixed reality (MR) refers to the integration of virtual and physical elements into a single environment that users can interact with. It combines the best of both worlds from virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) by blending digital objects into the real world in a way that feels natural and seamless. MR experiences vary in complexity, from basic overlays that add virtual information to physical environments, to full-blown virtual worlds that immerse users in alternate realities. The key advantage of MR lies in its ability to maintain users’ connection to the physical world while enhancing it with digital content.

So, how does MR relate to VR and AR? In simple terms, VR is an entirely digital environment that users can immerse themselves in through specialized headsets, while AR overlays digital elements onto the physical world using devices like smartphones or AR glasses. MR, on the other hand, is a spectrum between the two- it blends digital elements into real-world environments while maintaining the user’s connection to reality. This subtle difference means that MR can leverage the benefits of both VR and AR while avoiding their respective drawbacks.

Potential of mixed reality for marketers

For marketers, the potential of MR is immense. It offers a unique opportunity to engage with customers in more immersive ways and create experiences that are remembered long after the interaction. Currently, most MR applications are focused on gaming, but the technology is slowly making headways into other domains, including education, retail, and healthcare. For example, a retailer could use MR to create interactive product displays that allow customers to visualize how items would look in their homes before purchase. In healthcare, MR can help simulate surgical procedures to train medical professionals and enhance patient education.

Challenges with mixed reality

One of the biggest challenges with MR is creating content that works across different devices and platforms. Unlike traditional media, MR requires a deep understanding of 3D environments, spatial audio, and user interaction models. It means that marketers need to invest in specialized skills and resources to create compelling MR experiences that resonate with their target audience. They also need to consider factors like user comfort, device compatibility, and privacy concerns while designing MR campaigns.

Another challenge with MR is that the technology is relatively new and still evolving. There is already a wide range of MR devices available, from HoloLens and Magic Leap to smartphones that support ARKit and ARCore. However, there is no clear winner yet, and it can be challenging to decide which device or platform to support. Plus, there are still limitations in terms of processing power, battery life, and connectivity that can impact the user experience.

Mixed reality represents the next frontier of immersive experiences that can transform the way we interact with the world around us. From marketing’s perspective, MR opens up exciting new avenues for creating engaging and memorable experiences that resonate with customers.

  • Augmented reality (AR)
  • Virtual Reality (VR)



Article: Powering the next industrial revolution with mixed reality, AR, and VR.