Technical Debt


Technical debt refers to the accumulation of shortcuts or quick fixes that are taken in the development process, often in order to meet tight deadlines or to deliver a minimum viable product. These shortcuts can create long-term maintenance and scalability issues, and can make it more difficult and time-consuming to make changes or updates to the system in the future. Technical debt can also make it more difficult for an organization to take advantage of new technologies and tools that could improve efficiency or drive innovation.

One of the key challenges of technical debt is that it can be difficult to prioritize and address. Technical debt often does not have a clear impact on the functionality or performance of the system in the short term, so it may not be a priority for the development team. However, if left unaddressed, technical debt can become a significant impediment to progress, and can put the organization at risk of falling behind in the rapidly evolving technology landscape.

In addition to the technical challenges, technical debt can also have significant decision-making and prioritization implications. When an organization is facing a large backlog of technical debt, it can be difficult to determine which tasks and projects should take priority. This can lead to decision-making paralysis, as the development team may be unable to determine which tasks will have the greatest impact on the organization’s KPIs, goals and objectives.




CMSWire: Get out of Debt!

The Agile Brand Guide to Marketing Operations (2023) by Greg Kihlström

The Agile Brand Guide to Marketing Operations is now available in print, digital, and audio formats.